I can hardly believe another week has gone by already! Time flies when your havin' fun. A lot happenin'! The only night we had free this week was Monday..we had a lot of the same as last week. Tuesday we had an evangelism class at the Manzano's again, Wednesday we had evangelism class with the Browns, Thursday night we had revival service with the Elms, Friday night we were invited by the Browns to a Youth Workers Retreat in Ontario where Shane gave about a ten minute commercial about Evangelism on Purpose. The guest speaker for that evening was Robbie Emery who did a FANTASTIC job - http://www.apostolicimpact.com/Saturday we did an evangelistic outreach with the Elms church.
We got eighteen bible studies! It was a miracle just to get people to stop long enough to do the surveys since it was about 105 degrees outside. And today (Sunday) we were with the Elms for their a.m. & p.m. service and with the Browns for their 12 o'clock service...the temperature dropped to 103 today :0) I don't remember the last time I
sweated this much! It was a three-shower day. The picture to the right (that Shane & I are in) was at the Elms. Bro. Elms is pictured by Shane and the remaining six are all girls from Taiwan who are staying here for a month to help work at the Mission in downtown LA (one of the Elms works). The girls were SO sweet! I loved listening to them talk and I asked them a ton of questions about Taiwan. Also, they all received the Holy Ghost in service Sunday. Yesterday after Outreach Bro. Elms took Shane and I to the Mission they have downtown (on skid row). I was SO impressed. A
Taiwanese sister by the name of Sis. Ami runs it. They feed the homeless once a day and hold services for them once a day. There is a great need for this kind of ministry here. Today was our last services with the Browns and the Elms, I'm going to miss all of them..
not sure what's next yet.
Talk about giving God all of your time! I think you deserve some type of reward in heaven for that! But when you truly understand what IT is really all about....
I probably said this on my last post, but I am so glad you started a blog, 'cause before I never really knew what was going on out there, except for the occasional comment from Bro. Wilbanks over the pulpit. Now I can know and say Hi and all that! This is so cool! Haha! Well, Have another good week!
Sis. Rachel, when I grow up I want to be like you! You guys are my heroes! I am shouting for joy over the awesome work you guys are doing. We love you!
That is so awesome! What a week! Don't you just love talkin' to people from other countries?
Oh, and I like your shiney jacket! =)
Sis Rachel, You are definitely inpiring to me! You really are! I want you to know how often I think of you and how what you are doing all the way over there in another state truly makes a difference to me here in Alabama. Just reading about what you all are doing gives me motivation to keep going...even today...I mean right now. Reading and feeling what you are doing touches my heart and brings me to tears as I write this to you. Thank you for inspiring me today and giving of yourself in such a special way that only you can.
I appreciate you so much. And like Kristy said, I too, am so glad you've started a blog. I think it's great. I love you dearly!
Sis. Rachel:
I found your blog! You guys are doing such awesome work! You look beautiful (as always) in the pictures. ;)
Take care,
April Odom
Oooooo, hahahahaha.... and we sure are looking FINE in that pic you posted too! Brain n nateham are laughin at us.
Gurl! No you didn't post that pic of them four salinas kids....I can't believe that used to be me! haha =)brian
Rachel, I like your blog but not not nearly as much as I love you. Thank you for being such a great wife.
Hi Shane, thanks for your comments! We miss y'all too! Caleb wins over crowds, but only from the platform if he's had lots and lots of practice before going on-stage. =) Otherwise, he gets stage fright. Maybe you could give him a few pointers for maintaining composure in front of a crowd... haha... Love y'all, Abigail
Tell Brian that old pic is STILL him... LOL...
QUOTE: "Y'all were always cool but you were just dressed up like nerds"
Hmmmm, who dressed you??? That remark could be construed as offensive. :-)
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