Just passed our fourth week of revival in Pearland, TX we're having a great time and God is continuing to bless. We're scheduled for another "fishing expedition" (fishing for souls) this coming Friday and I'm looking forward to it! Thanking God for His favor in this city.
We've also been having a good time getting to spend time with family. For the first time in years I got to be with my sister on her birthday...we had a birthday party at Jason's Deli (wait, does three people count as a "party"? lol)
Our fifth-wheel is parked at an RV park that has a small lake so Uncle Shane, along with my brother Brian took the nephews fishing (literally for fish this time). Although the "fishing trip" only lasted about about an hour - since a three year old, four year old and six year old don't have the attention span for longer than that - a good time was had by all...except for that short stint when Greyson (the four year old) got bit by a fire ant (drama at it's finest).. good times