We've been in Phoenix two weeks now, in revival with the McCary's - www.phoenixrevivalcenter.org - So far we've had about ten people receive the Holy Ghost. This weekend we had our first Outreach effort. We got a total of eighty-three Bible studies...fourteen are already scheduled to be taught this week - God is GOOD!!
We've finally starting seeing some Autumn weather - which I'm happy about. It's been around eighty during the day and cooler than that at night...burrrr
Lucky and Shane had a birthday Friday - not named in order of importance :0) - birthday cake was had by everyone!
Awww happy Birthday Lucky & Shane! Did Shane look as adorable as Lucky?? hehe!! Hope you guys have a wonderfully blessed year!
Update needed! Abbens =)
Hi Sis Rachel!
How are you guys doing? Hoping to see you soon.
We love you~Kimi W
I say "UP!" you say "DATE!"
UP - DATE, UP - DATE!! hahaha...
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