Much has happened since my last post (embarrassingly three months ago). For starters, I turned another year older and had a wonderful celebration with family, my brother and sister and their families (pictured here).
Also, we acquired another puppy who we named "Taco" (Chihuahua), a birthday gift. I'm in puppy training mode right now...not wanting any more puppies for a while, maybe never! (lol) But Taco is precious and Lucky is starting to feel the same :0)
Three weeks ago we went to the Alabama Revival Conference where we experienced life changing preaching! I'm thankful we didn't miss it!
We also got to visit with wonderful friends and family, whom we hadn't seen in six months...good times!
Two weeks ago we started revival in Sebastopol, MS with the Copeland's ( So far several have received the Holy Ghost and been baptized. Saturday we went out for our first "Fishing" venture (for men that is) and got 142 bible studies! By the end of this week thirty-three of those will have already been taught the first lesson!
We're excited about the future and what God holds for it!!